Close your eyes. Picture yourself holding a lemon wedge. It's ripe, it's juicy and cool. And very lemony. Now take a BIG bite.
Ack! Right?
This was part of a visualization exercise we did in class today. I saw puckered lips, surprised and shocked smiles and a few grimaces. This is an introduction to Sense Memory. Which is just what it sounds like. A memory of your senses. I asked, "Are you eating a lemon right now?" "No." "But you can remember what it feels like to eat a lemon." "Yes." We did a few more exercises before we took it to a different level.
Close your eyes. Remember something that happened that "didn't go your way." Remember something that you had no control over. I asked them not to tell me what it was but asked how it made them feel. "Did you feel angry, sad, confused? Open your eyes." I heard answers like "I felt confused and shocked." "I felt sad." I asked, "But is that happening right now?" "No." "But you can remember it and call on it when you might need it." "Yes."
Now we did not go far into this exercise emotionally. Just a taste. Everyone was fine. I was less interested in their ability to recall for the stage as in their ability to apply the exercise to the real world. We talked about how we use this exercise as a tool in acting. Briefly. But if you are able to use this for the stage - the re-call - and then let it go when the show is over - then can you not do this offstage in your own life as well?
Is this happening now? No. It's over. It's not happening right now. But when it did happen it was <fill in the blank>. But you can learn to let go of it. Whatever it is. Or hang on to it. Your choice. We learn to honor what has happened or is happening and how to release.
Then we played games which is always fun! My favorite creation today was a bird Jessica created called the loolooloo - argh now I forget the word! It was a stellar word. Then Rebecca took it over and gave it this noise - GooooLaaahhhh. Then she formed what only can be described as a part ostrich part velociraptor sticking her elbows out and shrinking her neck and head as far down as they would go and led everyone around the room "GooooLahhhh". It was a sight to behold. When was the last time you GooLahed?
Until next time,
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